Visit to Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba: Travel Guide
When you enter Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, you are not looking precious relic of the past, nor are you in just another museum. You are entering a sacred place that is open to the entire world.
The whole monumental site of the old Mosque was first consecrated as the Cathedral of Santa Maria in the year 1146 and definitively in 1236. Since then, and without missing a single day, the Chapter has held the Holy Mass for the Christian community in this beautiful and magnificent temple. To better understand this, you must breathe in the air of spirituality evoked by its diving light, listen to the story of its artwork, read the reliefs of its choir stalls and admire the elegance of its two-coloured.afrches. On discovering the unique beauty of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, you will understand that it is a living building, one that has been transformed by men from different cultures and religions throughout history. As a result it will be etched in your heart
The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba has been a National Monument since 1882. It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984 and in June 2014 was it given the honour of being classified as a Site of Outstanding Universal Value, recognising that the religious use of the temple has guaranteed the preservation of the monument.
The Cathedral Chapter of Cordoba, sensitive to the cultural heritage and aware of the importance of the legacy received, has since 1236 focussed its efforts on preserving and raising awareness about the temple, which has allowed this monument to survive into modern times.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Entrance Area showing wooden material/roofing that is used as building material.
- Cathedral Area of Cordoba Cathedral
- Ceiling of Cathedral
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Cordoba Mosque [Mezquita de Córdoba] or Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Spain.
- Area resembling a Mimbar of Mosque with arches.
- Chandelier at the Mosque
- Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, also known as the Great Moque
Open every day the year
From March to October Monday to Saturday 10am-7pm
Sundays and religious hoi 8.30am 111.30am and 3c
From November to February Monday to Saturday 10am-6pm
Sundays and religious holidays 8.30am – 11.30am and 3pm – 6pm
C/ Cardenal Herrera, 1
14003 Cordoba (Spain)
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