Ae Imam Ashiqaan Dard Mand: Dialogue between Rumi and Allama Iqbal
Ae Imam Ashiqaan Dard Mand: Dialogue between Rumi and Allama Iqbal [Peer Rumi, Mureed Hindi from Baal-e-Jibreel]
Peer Rumi, Mureed Hindi from Baal-e-Jibreel is a rare poem by Dr. Allama Iqbal, which is both in Urdu and Farsi [Persian]. It is a dialogue between Allama [asking questions] and responses by Maulana Rumi [which are actually Maulana’s own verses from Masnavi]. Dr. Allama Iqbal has praised Rumi in almost all his books, considering him his spirtual mentor. His advice to his son Javed Iqbal was to follow Rumi also, since he knows the riddle to the secrets of the self [khudi].
Below verses are basically a question that Allama asks following his confusion and agitation at the West. He asks when the the base, strings and body of Ney [a guitar like instruments] is hollow, how come it echoes the divine voice of the Friend? He complains that the current era lacks the spirit of divine ecstasy, how comes it can hear the voice of the true Friend and discover Him and divine secrets. He laments at Europe who is drenched in materialism and have forgotten the true divine song, which still echoes from the divinity.
Rumi responds that not every being is capable to understand the enjoy Semaa, the divine song of Dervish to discover Self and discover the Creator. Although fig is among the greatest of fruits [Allah has mentioned that in Quran too], not every bird has the ability to eat and digest a fig.
مرید ہندی
اے امام عاشقان درد مند
یاد ہے مجھ کو تیرا حرف بلند
خشک مغز و خشک تار و خشک پوست
از کجا می آید ایں آواز دوست
دور حاضر مست جنگ و بے سرور
بے ثبات و بے یقین و بے خضور
کیا خبر اس کو کہ ہے راز کیا
دوست کیا ہے، دوست کی آواز کیا
آہ یورپ ! با فروغ و تابناک
نغمہ اس کو کھینچتا ہے سوۓ خاک
پیر رومی
بر سماع راست ہر کس چیز نیست
طعاما ہر مرغکے انجیر نیست

Ae Imam Ashiqaan Dard Mand – Dialogue between Rumi and Allama Iqbal