Balaghul Ula Bi Kamalihi: Shaykh Saadi’s Naat with English and Urdu Translation
Balaghul Ula Bi Kamalihi: Hazrat Shaykh Saadi’s immortal Naat with Arabic, Urdu and English Translation and Meaning
Balaghul Ula Bi Kamalihi
Kashafaduja Bi Jamalihi
Hasunat Jameeu Khisalihii
Sallo Alaihi Wa Aalihi [SAW]
پہنچے بلندی پر اپنے کمال سے
دور کر دیا اندھیرا اپنے جمال سے
حسیں ہیں آپ کی سب خصلتیں
درود بھیچو آپؐ پر اور آپؐ کی آل پر
English Translation of Balaghul Ula Bi Kamalihi
He reached the highest place through his perfection
He drove out the darkness through his beauty
Beautified were all his characteristics
Our hearts and lives are occupied by thoughts of him
Hazrat Shaykh Saadi R.A. was one of the most influential Muslim Sufis, who evergreen books Gulistan and Bostaan remain a textbook for teaching children about ethics and morality even after hundreds of years.
Shaykh Saadi was a true Aashiq e Rasool also and these beautiful verses in glory of Prophet Muhammad SAW are recited at every event organized to recite Naat.
Balaghul Ula Bi Kamalihi has inspired many Naat Sharif in every era and below Naatiya Kalam which narrated the event of Miraj Sharif also references these beautiful verses.
♬ Balaghal Ula Be Kamalehi – Sabri Brothers Qawwal
♬ Balaghal Ulla Be Kamale – Amjad Ghulam Fareed Sabri

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