The Night of Power: Understanding Laylatul Qadr
The Night of Power: Understanding Laylatul Qadr [Shab-e-Qadr] In the tapestry of Islamic spirituality, few nights are as revered and...
The Night of Power: Understanding Laylatul Qadr [Shab-e-Qadr] In the tapestry of Islamic spirituality, few nights are as revered and...
نعت – محسن نقوی اے شہر علم و عالمِ اسرار خشک و تر تو بادشاہِ دیں ہے, ثُو سلطانِ بحر...
20 Naat you must listen in Ramadan 2024 Naat, an Arabic term that refers to poetry in praise of the...
When Junaid Baghdadi learned Sufism from a Barber? Jonaid recounted a powerful lesson he learned from a humble barber....
Blinded by Love, Blessed by Allah: Hazrat Safoora’s Story – Masnavi As Prophet Moses (AS) ascended Mount Toor for divine...
Exploring the Spiritual Legacy: 8 Most Famous Sufi Saints of Multan Multan, a city in the heart of Pakistan, has...
Naat Rasool-e-Maqbool SAW – By Muhammad Mujeeb Ur Rehman Anjum الصلواۃ والسلام علیک یا رسول اللہ الصلواۃ والسلام علیک یا...
“The Elephant in the Dark” – Rumi’s story and wisdom behind the adage Rumi’s “Masnavi” is a spiritual masterpiece...
“The Call of 2024” – By Aadil Farook – Winner/Nominee of 3 International Awards (US & UK) As we...
“مثنوی؛ مولانا رومی کا فلسفی کلام” مثنوی، مولانا رومی کی شاعری کا ایک انمول جواہر ہے جو ہر زمانے اور...
Title: 5 Sufi Singers Who Also Mastered the Art of Ghazal The world of music has been graced by the...
Ethereal Elegy: Saints’ Serenade to the Soul: Poem by Iqra Jamal In the quietude where saints unfold, Whispers of...
The young Prince who didn’t learn lesson: Story from Rumi’s Masnavi A young prince was placed under the tutelage...
Story of Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Adham leaving the throne: From Masnavi Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Adham was the emperor of King, living...
Story of Hazrat Umar R.A. and the Harpist – Story from Mevlana Rumi’s Masnavi A Sarangi [Harp] player grew old,...
Famous Islamic Calligraphers: The Artistry of Script from the Middle East to India and Pakistan Islamic calligraphy holds a prominent...
Lazzat-e-Ishq-e-Muhammad: Urdu Naat by Dr Zafar Iqbal on Milad-ul-Nabi SAW لَذتِ عشقِ محمدٌ سے،جو ُضو فِشاں ہوتے ملائکٌ آرزوکرتے،کہ وہ بھی انساں ہوتے سرکارٌ کی آمد کے، یہ منظر ہیں بیاں ہوتے آتِش کُہن بُجھتے، دِل ہیں فیروزاں ہوتے عَبد ومَعبُود َتعلق کے،آقاٌ ہیں پہچاں ہوتے بےکسوں،بےنواں کےہیں نگہباں ہوتے ...
Dhul-Nun al-Misri lived in Egypt and gained fame for this devotion to God, which became an hindrance of his path...
Dehr Mein Issm-e-Muhammad (S.A.W.) Se Ujaala Kar De: Verse from Jawab-e-Shikwa by Dr Allama Iqbal Jawab-e-Shikwa is an epic poem...
Announcing the Zain Zohaib Qawwali UK Tour – November 2023 🎶 Get ready to experience the magic of Qawwali like...