What is Hazrat Abu Bakr’s advise for Sufism followers?

Excerpt from Kashf al-Mahjub by Ali Hujwiri [Daata Sahib]


Zuhri relates that, when Abu Bakr RA received the oaths of allegiance as Caliph, he mounted the pulpit and pronounced an oration, in the course of which he said: “By God, I never coveted the command nor desired it even for a day or a night, nor ever asked God for it openly or in secret, nor do I take any pleasure in having it.”


Now, when God causes anyone to attain perfect sincerity and exalts him to the rank of fixity (tamkin), the person waits for Divine inspiration, that it may guide him; and according as he is bidden, he will be either a beggar or a prince, without exercising his own choice and will.


Thus Abu Bakr RA, the Veracious, resigned himself to the will of God from first to last.


Hence the whole sect of Sufis have made him their pattern in stripping themselves of worldly things, in fixity (tamkin), in eager desire for poverty, and in longing to renounce authority. He is the Imam of the Muslims in general, and of the Sufis in particular.





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