Heer Ranjha: Read Complete Summary of Punjab’s Greatest Love Story
Heer Ranjha: Read Complete Summary of Punjab’s Greatest Love Story
Heer Ranjha is an epic tale of love, passion, and sacrifice that has captivated audiences for generations. This enchanting love story, deeply rooted in Punjabi folklore, has stood the test of time and continues to resonate with people across cultures. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary journey of Heer and Ranjha, a tale that highlights the power of love in overcoming all obstacles.
TheSufi.com brings complete Heer Ranjha story, all 14 Chapters but shortened for easier reading as follows:
Chapter 1
Heer and Ranjha is a famous romance that takes place in the town of Jhang, where Heer, the beloved daughter of Chaudhary Mahr Choochak, resides. Ranjha, the protagonist of the story, hails from Takht Hazara in District Sargodha. He is the youngest son of Moazzam, also known as Moju, a noble landlord belonging to the Ranjha Jat caste.
Ranjha is raised with love and care by Moju Chaudhary, who favors him because he is single, the youngest, and possesses beauty and innocence. Unlike his brothers, Ranjha is not interested in farming and instead excels in playing the flute. He captivates listeners with his melodious tunes and travels from place to place entertaining people.
However, after the death of Moju Chaudhary, Ranjha’s brothers and their wives, who were initially silent due to their father’s affection for him, begin to criticize his idleness and insist that he contributes to the family’s farming work. Despite the affection of his sisters-in-law, they too believe he should not be dependent on charity and should start working.
Ranjha’s brothers eventually distribute the lands, leaving him with barren and uneven plots. With no support from his family and unable to adapt to the demands of farming, Ranjha feels helpless and oppressed. He decides he can no longer stay in Takht Hazara and resolves to leave for Jhang.
Ranjha, known for his attractive personality, had heard stories about the beauty of Heer from Jhang Siyal. When his eldest sister-in-law sarcastically challenges him to bring Heer if he is truly brave, it sparks a desire in his heart. He takes this as a sign to depart from Takht Hazara and sets out on a journey towards Jhang, Chenab River, and towards his love, Heer.
Carrying his beloved flute and a blanket on his shoulder, Ranjha leaves his hometown, playing melancholic tunes on his flute. He embarks on a journey without a specific destination, guided solely by his love for Heer, as he moves southwards towards Jhang.
Chapter 2
As Ranjha continues his journey, he takes breaks under trees, playing soothing melodies on his flute to rejuvenate himself. When night falls, he spots a nearby village and decides to spend the night there, planning to resume his journey in the morning. He finds comfort in the village mosque and decides to stay for a few days.
However, on the first night of his stay, he gets into a quarrel with the mosque’s Maulvi Sahib, causing trouble for his plans. The situation worsens when some village girls come to the mosque the next morning to fetch water from its well. They see Ranjha and instantly fall in love with him, with one girl even declaring that she will only marry him.
The girl’s mother, noticing her daughter’s infatuation, approaches Ranjha and pleads with him to marry her. However, Ranjha’s heart is set on Heer, and he cannot marry anyone else. He politely rejects the proposal, realizing that staying in the village will only lead to further complications.
Quietly, Ranjha leaves the village and heads towards the River Chenab, reaching a spot near the river where a ghat (riverbank) is located. He rests there, gazing across the river at Jhang, Heer’s town and his ultimate destination. After taking some rest, he resumes playing his flute, captivating not only the birds but also the passengers on a nearby boat.
Among the passengers are five saints who are enchanted by Ranjha’s melodious tunes. As the boat approaches the ghat, the saints, in a state of joy, bless Ranjha with Choochak’s Heer, indicating that his path is blessed and his love for Heer will find fulfillment.

heer ranjha of punjab
Chapter 3
After the boat is ready to depart for the other bank of the river, Ranjha approaches the sailor, Ludon, and expresses his desire to go across. When asked about payment, Ranjha admits that he doesn’t have any money and casually mentions that he can swim across instead. However, upon hearing this, the passengers on the boat request Ludon to allow Ranjha to join them.
Reluctantly, Ludon agrees, and as the boat begins to float on the river, Ranjha starts playing his flute, enchanting everyone on board. Lost in the mesmerizing melodies, the passengers don’t even realize when they reach the other bank. Ludon is pleased with the experience.
Once all the passengers disembark, Ranjha inquires about a bed on the boat. Ludon informs him that it belongs to Heer, the beloved daughter of Mahr Choochak. He explains that Heer occasionally indulges in boating on the river.
Feeling exhausted from his long journey, Ranjha decides to rest on Heer’s bed. He is aware of the enchantment his flute has cast on Ludon and thinks it would be a suitable place to rest. He requests Ludon’s permission to sleep on the bed for a while, despite knowing that Heer may not appreciate finding him there.
Although Ludon is aware of Heer’s potential anger, he understands Ranjha’s fatigue and grants him permission.
Chapter 4
As Ranjha falls into a deep sleep on Heer’s bed in the boat, Heer coincidentally arrives at the river with her friends. Upon discovering a stranger sleeping on her bed, she becomes furious and berates Ludon for allowing it to happen. Heer and her friends wield sticks and proceed to hit Ludon before turning their attention to Ranjha.
Heer approaches Ranjha with anger, demanding to know who he is and how he dares to occupy her bed. However, as Ranjha lifts his head and gazes into her eyes, his calm demeanor captivates her. His youthful appearance, wavy black hair, rosy face, and charming smile enchant Heer, and her anger turns into love.
Ranjha explains that he is a passenger who slept on her bed due to exhaustion from the long journey to her town. He apologizes for the mistake, but at this point, the apology becomes unnecessary. Heer has already surrendered herself to Ranjha’s magnetic charm, and her fury has been replaced by love. She embraces her newfound feelings and begins to adore everything around her, including the river, the jungle, the boat, the bed, her friends, and even Ludon. Ranjha has reached his ultimate destination as well.
As Heer throws her stick aside and sweetly inquires about Ranjha’s identity and origins, it becomes clear that Ranjha has no need to go anywhere else. He has found his ultimate destination in Heer. Recognizing this, Heer sends her friends away and sits with Ranjha on the bed. They engage in heartfelt conversation, feeling like two souls that were once inseparable but had been separated for a long time.
Before parting ways, Heer expresses her intention to request her father to provide Ranjha with a job at her home. This proposal aims to bridge the distance between them and keep them closer to each other.
Chapter 5
Heer’s father, Mahr Choochak, who owned many buffaloes, was in need of a good servant. Heer, being clever, recommended Ranjha for the job. Mahr Choochak immediately appointed Ranjha to take care of his cattle, thanks to Heer’s suggestion. This arrangement allowed them to meet regularly and spend time together. It became their routine for Ranjha to shepherd the buffaloes to the jungle on the Chenab River bank while Heer and her friends would join him there for conversation.
Their love and affection for each other grew stronger with each passing day. Heer would bring choori, a sweet delicacy, and lovingly feed it to Ranjha. In return, he would play his flute to entertain her. However, their love couldn’t stay hidden for long. Rumors of their romance began to circulate within the town. Initially, people whispered about it, but eventually, they openly discussed it. Mahr Choochak’s limping brother, Qaidu, played a significant role in spreading gossip. He was known for his malicious nature and spent his time backbiting. Qaidu would spy on Heer and Ranjha every day, gathering information to fuel the rumors.
One day, Qaidu spotted Heer and Ranjha sitting together in the woods. He immediately rushed home and informed Mahr Choochak, claiming that Heer and Ranjha’s activities in the jungle were disgraceful. Mahr Choochak had received similar complaints before, but he always trusted his daughter and disregarded them. However, this time, the informant was his own brother Qaidu, which created doubts in Mahr Choochak’s mind. Still, he needed concrete evidence, and Qaidu provided it soon enough.
On a particular day, when Heer prepared choori for Ranjha and went to give it to him, Qaidu followed her in disguise as a beggar and hid in the jungle, away from their sight. When Heer went to fetch water for Ranjha, Qaidu approached her, pretending to beg for some choori. She generously gave him some, unaware of his true identity. Qaidu hurried back home and angrily presented the choori to Mahr Choochak, stating that it was made only in their house and taken to Ranjha every day. He claimed to have taken some as alms, challenging Mahr Choochak to believe his words.
Chapter 6
Choochak was filled with anger upon seeing the choori and felt that his honor was at stake due to his daughter’s affair with Ranjha. In consultation with Qaidu, he promptly fired Ranjha from his job. However, the buffaloes, who had become accustomed to Ranjha’s flute, started behaving unruly without him. They stopped grazing and were difficult to control. Meanwhile, Heer was devastated by the separation from Ranjha. She refused to talk or eat, remaining silent and withdrawn. Eventually, her mother intervened and pleaded with Mahr Choochak, emphasizing that their daughter was being falsely accused.
After a week, Heer’s mother redirected Mahr Choochak’s attention to the sick buffaloes, suggesting that rehiring Ranjha might be the solution. She praised Ranjha’s obedience and selflessness, stating that finding another servant like him would be impossible. Mahr Choochak regretted his decision to fire Ranjha and sent for him, requesting him to resume his duties. Ranjha returned to shepherding Choochak’s buffaloes, but Heer’s parents now closely monitored their activities. Qaidu resumed spying on them.
Although Mahr Choochak didn’t pay much attention to Qaidu’s reports, he eventually witnessed Heer and Ranjha together in the jungle. Shocked by what he saw, he immediately invited the elders of the clan to his home and, with their approval, accepted a marriage proposal for Heer from the Kherras clan. Excitedly, preparations for Heer’s wedding began. However, when Heer learned about the arranged marriage, she became deeply saddened. Amidst the festivities and celebrations, her heart was heavy with sorrow.
Chapter 7
Choochak, enraged by the evidence of Heer’s affair with Ranjha, felt his honor was at stake and fired Ranjha from his job. The buffaloes, who had become accustomed to Ranjha’s flute, stopped grazing and became unruly without him. Heer was devastated and remained silent and withdrawn. Heer’s mother, feeling pity for her daughter, convinced Choochak to rehire Ranjha, emphasizing his obedience and selflessness.
After a week, Heer’s mother redirected Choochak’s attention to the sick buffaloes, suggesting that rehiring Ranjha would be beneficial. Choochak, already regretting his decision, sent for Ranjha and asked him to resume his duties. Ranjha returned to shepherding the buffaloes, but Heer’s parents closely monitored their interactions. Qaidu resumed spying on them.
Despite Choochak’s disregard for Qaidu’s reports, he eventually witnessed Heer and Ranjha together in the jungle. Outraged by what he saw, he gathered the elders of the clan and swiftly accepted a marriage proposal for Heer from the Kherras clan. The preparations for Heer’s wedding began joyfully. However, when Heer learned about the arranged marriage, she became deeply saddened amidst the extravagant festivities.
Chapter 8
Heer revealed that her nikkah (Islamic marriage contract) with Ranjha had already taken place with the consent of five peers, even before Ranjha crossed the Chenab River. However, the nikkah registrar, under Mahr Choochak’s influence, ignored her plea and carried out the arranged marriage between Heer and Saeda Kherra. Despite Heer’s protests and cries, she was married off and taken away in a doli with the Kherra clan, leaving part of her heart behind in Jhang with Ranjha.
Ranjha’s life fell apart when Heer was taken away. He felt empty and lost, without any purpose or reason to live. Initially, he contemplated following Heer to Rungpur but realized it would only bring more trouble to her life. Instead, he wandered aimlessly in Jhang, staying there to gather any news about Heer. Eventually, he became despondent and returned to his hometown, Takht Hazara.
Despite his family’s previous efforts to bring him back, Ranjha wasn’t warmly received by his brothers and sisters-in-law upon his return. They had also learned about Heer’s marriage to Saeda Kherra and couldn’t accept the loss. Ranjha felt that there was no place left for him on earth to live. He was exhausted with life but still held onto Heer’s memories in his heart. However, the prospect of reaching her seemed impossible.
Driven by an unknown force, Ranjha set out towards Jhelum, specifically a village called Tilla of Jogis. It was known to be the dwelling place of a renowned jogi, a spiritual ascetic.
Chapter 9
Heer insisted that her nikkah with Ranjha had already taken place with the consent of five peers, even before Ranjha crossed the Chenab River. However, her rejection was in vain as the nikkah registrar, influenced by Mahr Choochak, carried out the marriage to Saeda Kherra against Heer’s wishes. Heer cried, but her protests were drowned out by the celebratory noise of the people greeting Mahr Choochak and Saeda Kherra. The Kherra family placed Heer in a doli and departed for Rungpur, but a part of her heart remained in Jhang with Ranjha.
Ranjha’s life was shattered when Heer was taken away by the Kherras. He lost all sense of purpose, with no charm, aim, destination, or reason to live. Initially, he contemplated going to Rungpur to be with Heer, but he realized it would only bring more troubles to her life. Instead, he wandered aimlessly in Jhang, driven by his love for Heer. Although seemingly mad, he stayed in Jhang to remain updated on any news about Heer. However, one day, he became deeply despondent and left for his hometown, Takht Hazara.
Ranjha’s brothers and sisters-in-law had written many letters to Heer, urging her to send Ranjha back to Takht Hazara to protect him from the Siyals of Jhang. However, when he actually returned home, he was not warmly received. His family had also learned about Heer’s marriage to Saeda Kherra and couldn’t accept the loss. They longed to see Heer and Ranjha together. Ranjha realized that there was no place left on earth for him to live. He was weary of life and only survived because Heer’s memory still burned in his heart. However, reaching her seemed impossible.
Finally, one day, driven by an unknown force, Ranjha set out towards Jhelum, specifically a village called Tilla of Jogis. It was there that the most famous jogi, a spiritual ascetic, resided.
Chapter 10
Sehti encountered a jogi at Kala Bagh and suspected that he might be someone in disguise. She shared her suspicions with her sister-in-law, Heer, who believed it could be Ranjha disguised as a jogi due to her unwavering faith in his love. Meanwhile, Ranjha wandered through the streets of Rungpur in search of Heer’s whereabouts, unaware of Aju Chaudhary’s house. Eventually, luck brought him to Aju’s doorstep, where he begged for food but his true intention was to catch a glimpse of Heer. Sehti, startled to see the jogi, offered him some grains but urged him to leave. However, Ranjha refused to go without seeing Heer and intentionally spilled the contents of his begging bowl, accusing Sehti of being proud and warning her of his curse. Sehti, though not proud of her beauty, was proud of her love for Murad Baloch. She initially felt confused and falsely accused by Ranjha’s words.
Chapter 11
Sehti and the jogi engaged in a quarrel, but their argument caught Heer’s attention, and she came out of her room. This was what Ranjha had hoped for, as Heer saw him and they exchanged smiles, recognizing each other. Ranjha’s plan had succeeded, and he happily returned to his hut in Kala Bagh, while Heer felt a renewed sense of life knowing that Ranjha had come for her. Throughout her time in Kherra’s house, Heer had held onto the belief that Ranjha would eventually rescue her from there, and now that he had arrived, her spirits were lifted. Heer confided in Sehti, who understood her situation as she was also in love with Murad Baloch. Together, they arranged secret meetings for Heer and Ranjha. Sehti devised a plan where she pretended that Heer had been bitten by a snake, and they convinced everyone that Heer had lost her senses. Sehti suggested seeking a jogi in Kala Bagh who was known for his healing abilities.
Chapter 12
Some of the men went to Kala Bagh and brought the jogi to Aju’s home. Ranjha, disguised as a jogi, assessed Heer’s condition and pretended to perform healing rituals. He asked everyone to leave the room except for a virgin girl, which was Sehti. Ranjha and Sehti were left alone in the room, where they planned their escape. They informed Heer’s family that it would take a couple of days for the jogi to fully heal her and that only Sehti could enter the room during that time. Heer, Ranjha, Sehti, and Murad Baloch, who had been sent for, devised a plan to escape. At midnight, they dug a hole in the back wall of the room and fled in different directions. The next morning, when the Kherras tried to deliver breakfast and found the room empty, they were bewildered. Heer, Sehti, and the jogi had successfully escaped.
Chapter 13
Some men brought the disguised Ranjha, posing as a jogi, to Aju’s home. Ranjha assessed Heer’s condition and pretended to perform healing rituals. He asked everyone to leave the room, leaving only Sehti inside. Sehti locked the door, and Ranjha and Sehti celebrated their successful plan. Sehti informed Heer’s family that the jogi needed solitude to remove the venom, and only she would be allowed to enter the room during the healing process. Heer, Ranjha, and Sehti saw this as an opportunity to escape and planned their next steps. They also sent for Murad Baloch, who arrived on a camel. At midnight, they dug a hole in the back wall of the room and split into two groups: Heer and Ranjha went one way, while Murad and Sehti went another way on the camel. The next morning, when the Kherras tried to deliver breakfast and found the room empty, they were bewildered. Heer, Sehti, and the jogi had successfully escaped, leaving the Kherras searching for them in astonishment.
Chapter 14
Saeda Kherra managed to regain custody of Heer, and Ranjha departed, crying and praying for justice. He pleaded to God to punish the town of Adli Raja for the injustice done to him. Shortly after, the town was engulfed in a fierce fire, causing panic among the people. Raja Adli, upon learning of the situation, ordered the arrest of the Kherras and the search for the jogi and the woman (Heer). Eventually, the Kherras and Heer were brought back to Raja Adli’s court. The Raja, realizing his wrongdoing, handed Heer over to Ranjha, asking for forgiveness. The Kherras had no choice but to comply. Ranjha and Heer were finally reunited. They discussed where to go next and decided to first go to Jhang Siyal to get married honorably since Raja Adli had ordered their union. Heer’s parents warmly welcomed them in Jhang Siyal and expressed their consent for the marriage. However, they suggested that Ranjha should go to his hometown of Takht Hazara to formally bring the wedding procession (barat). They wanted to celebrate Heer’s marriage with joy and enthusiasm. Ranjha agreed and left Heer at her parents’ house while he set off to Takht Hazara. On his journey, he anticipated the happiness of his brothers and sisters-in-law upon hearing the news of his upcoming marriage to Heer.
Chapter 15
After Saeda Kherra regained possession of Heer, Ranjha left, heartbroken and in tears, praying to God for justice. He pleaded for divine retribution on Adli Raja’s town. In response to Ranjha’s plea, the town was suddenly engulfed in a fierce fire, causing widespread fear and panic. Raja Adli, upon learning of the calamity, ordered the immediate arrest of the Kherras and the search for the jogi and Heer. In a matter of hours, the Kherras and Heer were brought back to Raja Adli’s court. Realizing his wrongdoing, Raja Adli gave Heer’s hand to Ranjha, asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that Heer belonged to him. The Kherras had no choice but to comply with the Raja’s decision. Finally, Ranjha and Heer were reunited.
Now faced with the question of where to go, Ranjha suggested going to his hometown of Takht Hazara. However, Heer expressed concerns about his brothers’ disapproval and the potential backlash for eloping. Since Raja Adli had ordered their union, they decided to first go to Jhang Siyal to have a respectful and honorable marriage. They were warmly welcomed by Heer’s parents in Jhang Siyal. Heer’s parents agreed to the marriage but insisted that Ranjha should go to Takht Hazara and formally bring the wedding procession (barat). They wanted to celebrate Heer’s marriage with great enthusiasm and joy. Ranjha happily agreed and left Heer at her parents’ home while he made his way to Takht Hazara. During his journey, he envisioned the joy and happiness that his brothers and sisters-in-law would experience upon learning about his impending marriage to Heer.
Heer Ranjha is an unforgettable tale that reminds us of the enduring power of love. This timeless narrative continues to inspire countless generations, transcending boundaries of time, culture, and language. Join us as we unravel the captivating journey of Heer and Ranjha, a love story that will touch your heart and leave you spellbound. Share this enchanting saga with your friends and let the world know that true love knows no limits!