Ik Faqar Hai Shabeeri: Allama Iqbal verse on Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A.
Ik Faqar Hai Shabeeri: Allama Iqbal verse on Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A.
اک فقر ہے شبیری اس فقر میں ہے میری
میراثِ مسلمانی، سرمایہَ شبیری
9-10th Muharram has arrived, the holiest of days for Muslims across the world. These are the day of martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A.
Dr Allama Iqbal narrate in above verse that the the faqeeri of Hazrat Imam Hussain is actually true leadership. With his truthfulness and courage, he is the truly the embodiment of Khudi, truly the prince of Sufis and believers. What is inhertiance that every Muslim gets, is actually the bravery and fight for justice that Imam Hussain A.S. exemplified.
May Allah shower His blessing of our beloved Imam Hussain R.A. as every Muslim grieve at Karbala.

Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A.