Khudi revealed is Prophet SAW, Khudi discreet is Allah Almighty
Khudi revealed is Prophet SAW, Khudi discreet is Allah Almighty: Kalam of Dr. Muhammad Allama Iqbal by Baal-e-Jibreel
خودی کی جلوتوں میں مصطفائی
خودی کی خلوتوں میں کبریائی
زمین و آسمان و کرسی و عرش
خودی کی زد میں ہے ساری خدائی
Khudi Ki Jalwaton by Mustawafi
Khudi Ki Khalwaton Main Kibriyaayi
Zameen o Aasman o Kursi o Arsh
Khudi Ki Zadd Mein Hai Saari Khuudai!
Khudi revealed is Prophet SAW
Khudi discreet is Allah Almighty
Earth, Skies, the grand Divine throne and heavens
All are in within the access, when one’s Khudi is revealed

Allama Iqbal at Cordova – Masjid e Qurtaba