Mystic Poem by Zeb-un-Nissa, daughter of Aurangzeb
Mystic Poem by Zeb-un-Nissa, daughter of Aurangzeb, from Diwan-e-Makhfi
My eager heart a pang of rapture stings
When the long-wandering wind unto me brings
The perfume of thy presence on its wings
And so I wait in this my sorrow’s night
Until thou givest to my weary sight
Thy beauty for my longing eyes’ delight
The world through Islam light in darkness saw
And walked safe guided by thy Scroll of Law
Bowing to God in hope and holy awe
To God, Who sinners can forgive and lead
Inscrutable Himself, yet Who can read
The hidden heart and comprehend its need
0 Prophet, shining like a lonely gem,
The fairest of Heaven’s highest diadem,
Look on men’s need and intercede for them
Thou art the veil through which the light doth shine,
Nay, thou thyself the very torch divine
Naught else behold these dazzled eyes of mine.