On the Rank of Poverty: Excerpt from Hazrat Ali Hajvairi’s Kashf-ul-Mahjoob
On the Rank of Poverty: Excerpt from Hazrat Ali Hajvairi’s Kashf-ul-Mahjoob
As mentioned in the Kashf ul Mahjoob, Poverty has a great rank in the Way of Sufis who Seek of Truth. Allah SWT state in the glorious Quran to give alms to the poor, those who are fighting for God’s cause and cannot go to and fro on the earth, whon the ignorant ones think as rich because the do not beg [due to self respect].
Prophet SAW chose poverty as seen in Hadith, “O’ Allah, make me live [among the poor], lively lowly, and die lowly and rise from the dead amongst the lowly””
On the day of Judgment, Allah will say “Bring me My loved ones to me”.
The angels will ask, “O, Almighty. Who are your loved ones”
God will answer them, “The poor and destitute ones “
Among the Refugees (Muhajireen) in the Prophet’s SAW time were poor men (Fuqara) who sat in his mosque and devoted themselves to the worship of God, and firmly believed that God would give them their daily bread, and put their trust (Tawakkul) in Him.
The Prophet SAW too due care, for Allah said : “Do not repulse those who call on their Lord in the morning and in the evening, desiring for His favours”
One a dervish met a king.
The king said: “Ask a favour from me.”
The dervish replied: “I will not ask favours from one of my slaves.”
“How is that?” said the king.
The dervish said: “I have two slaves who are your masters: Greed and Lust. So how can I ask favours from someone who is a slave to those?”
Read Summary of Hazrat Ali Hajvairi’s Kashf-ul-Mahjoob in English.