Online Workshop on Sufism and Islamic Art

Online Workshop on Sufism and Islamic Art
“The Art of God” is an online workshop on the eternal union between art, creativity and spirituality from the spring of the Greatest Master of Sufism Muhyi al-Dm Ibn al- Arabi.
When: February 2nd – March 10th
Where: Facebook
Cost: $70
Format: a combination of video lectures, reading material and media from contemporary culture and weekly group conversations provide participants with the necessary foundations to explore the metaphysics of their own artistry through daily/weekly reflective exercises
Instructor: Dr. Ali Hussain. PhD in Islamic Studies and creative writer.
Contact: Registration Deadline: January 26, 2019
Syllabus Outline
February 2nd — February 8th: “Travel”
O A story of movement, inwardly and outwardly, between Tolkien and Ibn ‘Arabi
February 9th — February 15th: “Union”
O How endless difference speaks of One Source. Listen to the director’s advicel
February 16th — February 22nd: “Perfection”
O Perfection lies beyond our origin, yet within our grasp. The source of the force and a poet’s advice.
February 23rd — March Ist: “Perplexity”
O The affair is all perplexity, and perplexity is life. In the dream world and a space between.
March 2nd — March 10th: “Love”
O How love longs for nothing. Love is a forgotten sight and site.