3 Kinds of People on Judgement Day: Sufi Story
3 Kinds of People on Judgement Day: Sufi Story On the day of judgement there will be 3 types of...
3 Kinds of People on Judgement Day: Sufi Story On the day of judgement there will be 3 types of...
Story from Hazrat Shaykh Saadi’s Gulistan Hazrat Saadi Shirazi travelled extensively before putting his short moral stories (Hikayaat) on paper...
When it comes to Sufiana and Arfana Kalam, different Sufi and Folk artists have marked their niche i.e. Pathanay Khan...
“When we are gone, do not look for our tomb in earth, but find it in the hearts of people.” –...
The King’s Blood: Sufi Story by Saadi Shirazi A king was diagnosed with life threatening disease. The Royal pharmacist suggested...
None achieves that Degree of Truth, until a thousand honest people have testified that he is a heretic. – Junaid of Baghdad...
The Knowledge that does not steal ‘You’ from ‘Yourself’ is worst than Ignorance. [Meaning: The real Self appears when one...
For any reader and admirer of Shayar-E-Mashriq, Dr. Allama Iqbal, the Poet of the East, Iqbal Academy at Lahore is a...
Sufi Story : The Heavenly Apple of Mansoor Hallaj Ibn Nasir was ill and longed for apple, which were out...
Someone knocked at Bayazid’s door. “Whom do you seek”, exclaimed Bayazid. “Bayazid”, responded the visitor. “I have been searching for...
You and Me – Sufi Quote by Mevlana Rumi When we became one in such a way. Now, I am...
Honorary Grave of Dr. Allama Iqbal at Mevlana Rumi’s Tomb [Konya, Turkey] Allama Iqbal’s great admiration and reverence for...
Naqa-i-Laila – Miniature Art by A.R. Chughtai There a few artists who redefine a genre and Abdur Rahman Chughtai (more...
Prayer of Shaykh Saadi O’ Allah. Do to me what is worth of You. And not what is worthy of...
Only sweet singing birds are kept in prison Owls are not confined in cages. – Mevlana Rumi
The Aim of a Book – Sufi Quote by Mevlana Rumi The real aim of a book is to guide....
Tie two birds together. Even with four wings now, they will not be able to fly. Jalaludin Muhammad Rumi is known...
Sufi Quote: Mevlana Jalaludin Rumi The lamps are different. But the light is the same.
Sadequain’s Painting of Kalam Iqbal from Baal e Jibreel Sadequain, unlike many other artists, was immensely adept at poetry also....
Beautiful Quote by Hazrat Ali, May Allah raise his Ranks. “The Sufis are unanimous that a Guide (Sheikh) is absolutely...