Mera e Charkha Naulakha Kure – Sher Ali & Mehr Ali Qawwal

Mehr Ali,Sher Ali Qawwal
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Based on a poem of the Sufi Poet Bulleh Shah (1680-1753), the spinning wheel symbolises existence and being.
Oh, ignorant one, know the spinning wheel
Don’t set it in motion, lest there be chaos
Put the filament of sincere conviction on the spindle
And make yourself the pivot of perception
Buy wool in that one’s name and prepare it with grace
Spin the wave of love incessantly
For who knows which thread will be favoured
Girl, this spinning wheel of mine is priceless
Many died seeking God, but none touched me to illuminate me
Bulleh Shah, I am devoted to him, who sat with me and explained it
Girl, this spinning wheel of mine is priceless
The yearning love of the spinning girl endures
O king, you seek outside, but your friends have blinded you
When I look, my friend is inside me
Girl, this spinning wheel of mine is priceless
Beyond the Mecca, beyond the monastry, I sought him everywhere
Now it dawns on me that I must knock on the door of my heart
If the beloved is not in the heart, there is nothing
If the friend is not at home, there is nothing
Girl, this spinning wheel of mine is priceless
This the wise people say Girl, this spinning wheel of mine is priceless
The yearning love ofthe spinning girl endures Love, love, love
(I give you knowledge, understand this)
The yearning love ofthe spinning girl end ures Love, love, love
Oh, my girl-friends! am betrothed to my lover Ranjha
I, the betrothed of my Ranjha, I, I
To this my God and Prophet is witness
I, the betrothed of my Ranjha, I, I
The lying Mullah dispenses false edicts
I, the betrothed of my Ranjha, I, I
Oh, I was divided at the time of creation
I, the betrothed of my Ranjha, I, I
The woman Hir sent a message to the Kadi:
“Why the anger at my herdsman ?
Know him not as a herdsman, but as the pure one
This herdsman is the king of eternity
Your musk, amber and sandalwood
Are but dust under the feet of my herdsman”
Hir has made Ranjha her God
The lying world merely babbles
I, the betrothed of my Ranjha, I, I
I will not sit in the wedding palanquin of the Kheras
No, no
My heart is not there
I, the betrothed of my Ranjha, I, I
I have become the bethothed of Ranjha