The Transformative Power of Divine Love: Rumi’s Ode to Ishq
The Transformative Power of Divine Love: Rumi’s Ode to Ishq
Rumi, the timeless mystic and poet, often explored the concept of Ishq—a love so profound that it transcends the ordinary, connecting the lover to the Beloved, the seeker to God. In one of his beautiful poems, Rumi reveals the transformative power of love, demonstrating how it can elevate even the harshest realities into sources of beauty and grace.

Maulana Rumi’s Shrine – Konya
از محبّت تلخ ہا شیریں شود
وز محبّت فس ہا زریں شود
از محبّت درد ہا صافی شود
وز محبّت درد ہا شافی شود
“With love, bitterness turns to sweetness,
And with love, dross turns to gold.
With love, pains are purified,
And with love, wounds are healed.”
Here, Rumi speaks of love’s alchemy—not the worldly, fleeting love, but Ishq-e-Haqiqi, the true love of God. It is through this divine connection that life’s bitterness is sweetened, burdens are lifted, and wounds are soothed. The thorns of suffering are transformed into the fragrant flowers of spiritual growth. Love is the ultimate purifier, taking pain and hardship and refining them into a deeper understanding of existence.
از محبّت خار ہا گل می شود
وز محبت سرکہ ہا بل می شود
“With love, thorns turn into flowers,
And with love, vinegar becomes wine.”
Rumi’s imagery captures the miraculous nature of divine love. It doesn’t just mend; it creates, reshapes, and redeems. Vinegar, a symbol of sourness and imperfection, is transfigured into wine—an emblem of spiritual intoxication and divine ecstasy. This transformation is only possible when the soul surrenders to the Beloved, embracing both the joy and the trials that come with such devotion.
از محبّت دار تختے می شود
وز محبّت بار بختے می شود
“With love, a gallows becomes a throne,
And with love, burdens turn into fortune.”
Rumi highlights how surrendering to God’s love alters one’s perception of hardship. Even the gallows, a symbol of despair and suffering, is transformed into a throne, representing dignity and spiritual elevation. Life’s burdens become blessings when they are seen as part of the divine plan—a means of drawing closer to God.
Rumi’s Core Message: Love as the Path to God
At its heart, Rumi’s poem serves as a profound reminder that the essence of existence is love. For Rumi, love is not merely an emotion; it is the divine force that moves the universe. Ishq-e-Haqiqi is the ultimate goal of the seeker’s journey—a union with God that dissolves all separations and elevates the soul to its highest potential.
True love of God, Rumi teaches, is not easy. It requires a willingness to endure trials and transform one’s inner self. Yet, through this love, one finds the strength to turn pain into peace, bitterness into beauty, and life itself into a sacred act of worship.
Rumi’s words are an invitation to all of us to embrace this transformative love. Let us open our hearts to the divine, allowing love to reshape our thorns into flowers and our burdens into blessings. For in surrendering to God’s love, we find the ultimate meaning of life.