Was Allama Iqbal a protégé of Maulana Rumi?
Allama Iqbal, a philosopher, poet, and political leader from British India, is often considered a protege of Maulana Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic. Although the two men lived centuries apart and came from different cultures, their ideas and teachings have many similarities.
One of the main ways in which Iqbal is considered a protégé of Rumi is through his poetry. Iqbal was a highly respected poet in his own right, and his work often reflects the same themes and ideas that are present in Rumi’s poetry. Both men wrote about the importance of self-discovery and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, and both believed that true knowledge comes from direct experience rather than simply studying texts.
In addition to their shared focus on spirituality, Iqbal and Rumi also had similar views on the role of the individual in society. Both men believed that individuals have the power to shape their own destinies and that true freedom comes from within. Iqbal, like Rumi, saw the individual as the source of all progress and believed that society should be organized in a way that allows individuals to fully realize their potential.
Another way in which Iqbal is considered a protege of Rumi is through his political thought. Iqbal was a passionate advocate for Muslim self-determination and believed that Muslims in British India should have their own separate homeland. Rumi, although lived in a different era, also believed in the importance of political and social justice. He advocated for the rights of the marginalized and oppressed and believed in the power of individuals to bring about change.
Overall, Allama Iqbal is often considered a protege of Maulana Rumi due to the similarities in their ideas and teachings. Both men were deeply spiritual, believed in the power of the individual, and were passionate advocates for social and political change. Their works continue to inspire and influence people to this day.

Allama Iqbal and Maulana Rumi