Whatever instrument He may make of me: By Mevlana Rumi

Whatever instrument He may make of me, I become that: By Mevlana Rumi


He is like Azar [Hazrat Ibrahim’s father] in craftsmanship, and I am the statue made by Him [God]

Whatever instrument He may make of me, I become that [by Allah’s will]

If He makes me a cup, I become a cup; and if He makes me a dagger, I become a dagger

If He makes me a fountain, I give water; and if He makes me fire, I give heat

If He makes rain of me, I give a stack of wheat; and if He makes an arrow of me, I dart into the body

If He makes me a snake, I emit venom; and if He makes me a friend, I render service with kindness

I am as a pen between His two fingers: I am not a waverer in the ranks of obedience to Him

One who does not see the hand while it is writing thinks that the movement of writing proceeds from the pen itself [and not Writer]




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