Why Is Wet Not Dry? – Story from Wisdom of the Idiots

Why Is Wet Not Dry? – Story from Wisdom of the Idiots

A long time ago, before most people knew about him, Khidr, the wise man, traveled around the world looking for students. When he found people who were ready to learn, he taught them important lessons and helpful skills. But every time he shared his knowledge, some people used it the wrong way.

Most people were only interested in using what they learned to get what they wanted, without trying to understand the true meaning behind it. Because of this, learning didn’t grow the way it was supposed to.

One day, Khidr decided to try teaching in a new way. He turned many things into their opposites. For example, he made wet things dry and dry things wet.

At first, this seemed strange, but soon everyone got used to it. They just accepted that wet was dry and dry was wet, and never thought much more about it.

Khidr changed many things this way and one day, he will return to explain what is really what, the true nature (fitrat) of things.

Until then, only a few people will truly understand his lessons. The others are the ones who quickly say, “I knew that!” even when they really didn’t.


Muslim sufi saint looking to skies old bazaar


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